Modificación SEC de protocolo de ensayos de los productos Esmeriladora- Lijadora- pulidora

La superintendencia (SEC), ha dispuesto la modificación del protocolo PE N°6/03, en certificación de seguridad de esmeriladora – pulidora de disco (SEGURIDAD DE ESMERILADORA ,PULIDORA DE DISCO – LIJADORA TIPO DISCO). De acuerdo como lo indica la Resolución Exenta N°29149 adjunta a continuación.

PE 3/06

PE 3/06 differential switch delays effective date until February 28, 2022

Please find attached official documentation REX 8331 dated 03/09/2021, Oficio modifying the effective date PE 3/6. The new date is scheduled for 02/28/2022. In October we will hold a technical talk to solve doubts regarding the whole process involved in recertification. Registration [email protected]

Authorized for furnace in energy efficiency

According to the SEC's exempt resolution 26446 issued on November 22nd this year, our company's energy efficiency laboratory has been authorized to test electric ovens and microwave ovens: household appliances Energy Efficiency Product Test Protocol test Protocol Microwave Cooking Oven PE Seguir leyendo