Low voltage materials

El laboratorio de ensayos de Materiales de Baja Tensión, cuenta con una experiencia de más de 20 años realizando servicios en el área de la electricidad. Actualmente se encuentra acreditado por parte del Instituto Nacional de Normalización (INN) en la norma ISO 17025 versión  2017 y autorizado por parte de la Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles.

We have an adequate infrastructure for the correct execution of the tests, in addition to equipment, instruments and devices of advanced technology. We have professionals highly trained and committed to their work, which gives customers the confidence and assurance that their products will be tested under international standards and under the standards established according to the SEC protocols.

The Quality Management system provides the professionalism necessary for the correct execution of the tests, as well as the impartiality of the results and the confidentiality of these. In addition, thanks to agreements with other laboratories, those trials that require more sophisticated equipment can be carried out in these thanks to the mutual service delivery contracts that INGCER has, both with laboratories and universities.

Some of the general tests performed in the laboratory are:

  • Short-circuit capability
  • Rupture capacity and normal operation
  • Insulation resistance and dielectric rigidity
  • Mechanical resistance
  • Low temperature resistance
  • Fire resistance
  • Heat resistance