Nuestras instalaciones están ubicadas en la sede Ubicada en la comuna de La Cisterna la cual tiene los más altos estándares de condiciones ambientales controladas.
The technical area has in command the management of about four hundred instruments that are periodically audited to provide optimal accuracy and safety, which guarantees our work in the diversity of laboratories that INGCER has accredited and Authorized in our Country.
Our function is the optimal handling of the variables such as time, relative humidity, velocity and angle atmospheric pressure in our metrological Control.
The instruments, equipment and devices that we usually test range from gauges, devices of strength, resistance, temperature, mass, length, time, angle and Pressure.
Our laboratory is highly qualified to respond to the needs of our technical area so we have a software designed especially for the integral management of the area, technical data sheets and records that optimize the organization of the checking of equipment, Devices and Instruments.