A continuación dejamos en conocimiento las Consultas Públicas SEC que vencen el mes de octubre: Para mayor información puedes revisar el link oficial:
Label: SEC Public Consultation
Consulta Pública SEC para Seguridad de Impresoras
La Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles ha iniciado el proceso de consulta pública para el nuevo protocolo PE Nº8.7:2024 referente a para la certificación en Seguridad de Impresoras, la cual tendrá una duración desde el 23/08/2024 al 11/10/2024. La consulta tendrá una duración desde el 19/08/2024 al 07/10/2024. Para participar debes descargar el formulario en la pagina web Seguir leyendo
Public Consultation on Protocol PE No. 5/xx:2023 for the safety certification of Fixed General Purpose Luminaires
The Superintendency has put out for public consultation the PE N°5/xx:2023 protocol for the safety certification of General Purpose Fixed Luminaires products. The public consultation will be available until 14.09.2022. In the following link, you can find the document in consultation and the instructions to send your observations and/or comments: https://www.sec.cl/consulta-publica/.Se attached project Seguir leyendo
Public consultation PE No. 8/xx:2023, domotics
The Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels has put in public consultation the protocol PE N°8/xx:2023 for the certification in safety of electronic control devices for domestic use (Domotics). The public consultation will be available until 20.09.2022. In the following link, you can find the document in consultation and the instructions to send your comments. Seguir leyendo
Public Consultation PE 1-26-2:2023, EE Air Conditioners
The Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels has put in public consultation the protocol PE N°1/26/2:2023 for the certification on efficiency of Air Conditioning products. The public consultation will be available until 19.09.2023. In the following link, you can find the document in consultation and the instructions to send your comments and/or suggestions. Seguir leyendo
Public consultation protocol PE 1/17:2023
The Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels has put out for public consultation the protocol PE Nº1/17:2023 for the certification in Safety of Refrigerators, Freezers and Chillers-Freezers. The public consultation will last for 60 days, from 29.06.2023. In the following link, you can find the document under consultation and the instructions to send your comments. Seguir leyendo
Public consultation on Protocol PE No. 2/15:2023, RV Electrical Conductors, RV-K.
The Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles has initiated the public consultation process for the new protocol PE Nº2/15:2023 for the safety certification of RV Electrical Conductors, RV-K., which will last until September 5, 2023. Management has instructed us as an organization to participate in the process, following the indications of SEC. Seguir leyendo
Public Consultation Protocols PE Nº8/11:2023 and PE Nº8/12:2023, decoders and TV sets
The Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels has put out for public consultation the protocol PE N°8/12:2023 and N°8/11:2023 for the certification of the electronic area in the field of security of the set-top box and TV set respectively. The public consultation will last for 60 days, until 28.08.2023. In the following link, you will find the document at Seguir leyendo
Public consultation protocol PE 1/26:2023, Air conditioners
The Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels has initiated the public consultation process for the new protocol PE 1/26:2023 Air Conditioners, which will last until September 5, 2023. Attached is the documentation of this new public consultation.
Consulta Publica PCNº66/1:2023, Materiales de elastómeros para juntas destinadas a artefactos y equipos que utilizan combustibles gaseosos
Por esta vía comunicamos que la Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles ha puesto en consulta pública el protocolo PCNº66/1:2023 para la certificación en materia de seguridad de los productos combustibles “Materiales de elastómeros para juntas destinadas a artefactos y equipos que utilizan combustibles gaseosos”. La consulta pública estará disponible hasta el 10.09.2023. En el siguiente Seguir leyendo