We share a partnership between LABORATORIO DE SEGURANCA E DESEMPENHO DE ELECTRODOMESTICOS (LABESE) ELECTROLUX DO BRASIL S.A. and our Certification Body regarding the documentation published last April 11th by the Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles according to its exempt resolution #24465. This link includes household appliances such as air conditioners, washing machines and similar. Seguir leyendo
Label: Washing machines
Laboratorio autorizado para lavadoras/secadoras y secadoras
Certificación de lavadoras y secadoras en Chile
SR 31939, 25 February 2020
Authorizes INGCER S.A. Testing Laboratory for laundry machine energy efficiency and cell phone charger safety (switched-mode power supplies)
RE 28058, 08 Mallet 2019
Authorizes Ingcer Cell Phone chargers and energy efficient washing machines
RE 25993, 25 October 2018
Recast requirement for energy efficiency label PE 1/06/2, to certify washing machine and set date of application of the new protocol.